Keeping a building watertight is critical to the preservation any structure. Water is, after all, the single most damaging element to a building facility. In many cases, facility managers are faced with water problems that plague a structure from initial construction. As time goes on, these problems become even more severe.

Historic Restoration
Metropolitan is highly experienced in the restoration of architecturally significant historic structures. Whether the project demands the complete restoration of the building facade, or spot masonry work that might include the reproduction and reinstallation of intricate architectural elements.

Roofing Systems
Metropolitan designs, installs, and repairs all types of roofing systems and plaza deck membrane systems…from conventional built-up roofs to single ply roofing systems, and from historic roofs to EPDM membrane systems. Our firm has extensive expertise in the installation of historic slate and copper roofs.

Air Barrier Systems
The United States Department of Energy has concluded that as much as 40% of the energy needed to cool or heat a building is lost due to air leakage into and out of buildings. Structural damage due to moisture condensation in building walls has been well documented and there are increasing problems with mold growth in buildings, causing severe health risks.
About Metropolitan Restoration & Waterproofing
Highly Skilled In Identifying And Resolving Water Infiltration Problems – Effectively And Economically
Metropolitan’s expertise in evaluating, identifying and resolving water problems goes hand-in-hand with our dedication to achieve waterproof structures for our clients. From roofing systems to cavity-wall waterproofing systems, and from through-wall flashings to control joints, Metropolitan is experienced in all aspects of sealing the building envelope, and will bring sound waterproofing solutions to any water problem. And, since time is of the essence when it comes to water infiltration, we provide our services without delay. In fact, we offer 24 Hour Emergency Service to address severe problems, especially situations in which building leaks are caused by failing, deteriorating, or improperly installed roofing systems.